Roast butternut squash with bacon and roast nut topping

Butternut squash is one of my absolute favourite vegetables. It packs such a lot of flavour in its soft, orange flesh and it pairs  well with other flavours I enjoy cooking with; garlic, tomato, coconut, cheeses.

Tonight I cooked as I tend to cook; kind of in a Ready, Steady, Cook fashion. All stack of random ingredients, inspiration and luck. No pre-planned recipe. Usually it works out well and thankfully tonight was one of those occasions!


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The best roast I’ve ever eaten.

image“The best roast I’ve ever eaten”; that’s not an accolade I give lightly. But, The Famous Royal Navy Volunteer on King Street, Bristol has yet to be surpassed. It is my favourite pub in Bristol for many reasons; a beer and ale menu from British brewers that changes daily,  locally-sourced ingredients for the impressive daily menu, a roaring wood-burning fire, local musicians live at the weekend, and friendly, knowledgeable staff. But, it is their triple roast that drives me to rave about this pub to my friends; simply sublime!

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